Jim Summers Photography

Professional Photography for the Real World                                   Call Us at (323) 653-6244

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Library Management

The digital camera has ushered in an era where we are able to inexpensively shoot large numbers of images quickly while adjusting exposures on the fly to zero in on precisely what our vision drives us toward. Along the way, we tend to accumulate large libraries very quickly and management of our collections tend to get very unwieldy.

In the digital world, loss of a whole library can instantly happen by accidently pressing a wrong key. It can even happen when we do nothing wrong as an untimely power surge or brownout at the wrong moment can instantly zap gigabytes of data.

We can help you set up a workflow process that catalogs your images for easy searching capabilities to locate the precise image you need in seconds. And in the event a catastrophic failure does occur, we can often help you recover your lost images.

We also offer an off-site storage service as a safety copy in case of a disaster loss such as fire or flooding.

Call us to discuss your library management needs.